Coffee on Fleek

Super Soft Knit Jogger (37" inseam, shown in size XL) - Alloy Apparel/But First Coffee Tee (shown in size XL) - Alloy Apparel/ID Bracelet - Candid Art Accessories/Slip On Sneaks (size 12) - Payless (similar here)/Shades and neutral bracelets - H&amp…

Super Soft Knit Jogger (37" inseam, shown in size XL) - Alloy Apparel/But First Coffee Tee (shown in size XL) - Alloy Apparel/ID Bracelet - Candid Art Accessories/Slip On Sneaks (size 12) - Payless (similar here)/Shades and neutral bracelets - H&M/Coffee Warmer - Target/Backpack - Collage Clothing Lounge

Photo Credit: LaKeela Smith

Is fleek cool still? Ah well. We are gonna rock with it.

Let me tell you about coffee. It was my constant companion until I started the Daniel Fast and gave it up completely.

It was sad y'all. Those first 3 days my body was in legitimate detox. It wasn't pretty and it showed me that my body was reliant on the company of the magic bean. I went 43 days without it, but still missed my friend and thought I would try to see her again without becoming co-dependent. So I drank a cup of coffee and guess what? We are cool again, just not on that level.

I drink coffee when I want it and not because I need it. I also leave all of the sugar on the curb because I think that is what I was really craving. My coffee was more sugar than it was coffee. Now my pal is straight up with a splash of some almond, soy or coconut milk. I love this new, healthy version of my compadre and she is a much better friend in return.

With that said, I love waking up on the weekends, throwing on some effortless cute, packing some strong coffee to go (that I make on the cheap) and explore my city. It's the perfect way to spend the morning and spark my day.

One thing that is hard for us to find is tall, chic, leisure wear. Thus, when I found these Super Soft Joggers in 37" inseam, I quickly selected every color and put them right in the basket. You can wear them with anything and it feels like you are walking around in your chonies. YES to all of that.

Another thing that I am in LOVE with is my personalized ID Bracelet from Candid Art. You can say anything you would like in an 8 letter package. Please believe I have more bracelets in the works...this Tall girl has a lot to say!

As you enter into the weekend, take time out to explore the things that you want. Whatever that is...do that in the exact way that you want to do it. Be YOU. Love YOU. TallSWAG.


Ibena Laser Cut Heels (shown in size 12) - Eleanor Anukam Footwear/Tall Long Sleeve Jersey Body - TTYAXLTS/Tall Shift Dress - ASOS/Sunnies - Collage Clothing Lounge/Cross Body - ThriftedPhoto Credit: Meg Russell Photography

Ibena Laser Cut Heels (shown in size 12) - Eleanor Anukam Footwear/Tall Long Sleeve Jersey Body - TTYAXLTS/Tall Shift Dress - ASOS/Sunnies - Collage Clothing Lounge/Cross Body - Thrifted

Photo Credit: Meg Russell Photography

Perfection is something that can’t be attained. It’s impossible to be perfect however our society is constantly trying to push the perfect agenda on us. You must be a certain size, a certain height, have your hair a certain way, make-up on point etc. As a blogger, I find myself unconsciously doing this, especially when it comes to shooting looks. Often, I will prepare for a shoot longer than it takes to shoot the looks themselves. Furthermore, any blogger who says that they don’t do this, isn’t completely telling the truth. Shooting looks for a blog is a production, plain and simple.

With that said, I go back and forth with continuing to shoot these looks because I don’t want to set a standard that one cannot attain. I definitely wear all of the clothes that I shoot on my blog but do I continually look this polished on a daily basis…

heck no.

That would be impossible. I am incredibly busy (especially during the season) and prepping every day, in the way that I do for shoots is unrealistic. I am a complicated, dynamic ball of beautiful imperfection and that is what we need to share with each other.

Do I wear make-up and add hair to my look? Ya darn skippy. These are things that I enjoy and will continue to do but they don’t define me and I have permission to change them as I please.

The truth is, my hair has flyaways, my nails break and are not always done, I have varicose veins on my feet, my legs are not always tanned and my weight fluctuates (among one hundred other sporadic things). We are all REAL women that are amazing, one-of-a-kind works of brilliance.

With that said, I am going to shoot looks…but I will no longer obsess about perfecting them. I am in a season on growth right now and this is one of the ways I am developing. I am made specifically in every way, as are you. I will no longer mold any part of me into being what society has conditioned me to aspire to be. I am ready to share all of me with you and I apologize for the delay.

Let’s take the pressure off and happily stand tall in our gorgeous, vibrant, imperfect selves shall we?

Fighting Lessons

First and foremost, thank you so much for your support of The Tallest Virgin in the World. Your emails and social media messages meant and mean the world to me. It received good ratings and we are still waiting on pins and needles to see if it goes to series! I will definitely keep you updated.

With that said, I have to admit that I have been on somewhat of a low, after that amazing high of seeing something I worked so hard for, coming to fruition. In so many ways, I worked my entire life to gain a platform, such as a national television program, to show women everywhere that they are beautiful JUST the way they are and furthermore are created specifically for a purpose. Then it drops and…nothing.

Now, I know that God is working behind the scenes and that His plan is the only plan but right now I am being attacked in so many ways. From personal to professional, I have been tested in the days since the pilot has aired. I was at a very high point of frustration when it hit me…

When God wants you to grow and prepare for the next step in your life, He makes you uncomfortable.

Yep. He does it on purpose.

Think about it. If you were happy and comfortable why move? Why grow? We would never make a change if there was no reason to. That uncomfortable state is a tool God uses to craft you into what he wants and needs you to be.

So if you are uncomfortable like me, don’t stew in it. Learn from it and prepare for your breakthrough. That frustration is a step to unlocking a new path that will lead to everything God has planned for you. Don’t give up.  It’s hard rounding that corner but think about all of the effort it took to get there.

Don’t fight the lesson, learn it.

Jump for my Love

Jenni Denim Jumpsuit (shown in XL) - Alloy Apparel (limited quantities. See all Alloy TALL Jumpsuits HERE)/Pumps - Vince Camuto via Nordstrom (size 12)/Oversized Clutch and Shades - Target/Rings and Bracelet - Forever 21

Jenni Denim Jumpsuit (shown in XL) - Alloy Apparel (limited quantities. See all Alloy TALL Jumpsuits HERE)/Pumps - Vince Camuto via Nordstrom (size 12)/Oversized Clutch and Shades - Target/Rings and Bracelet - Forever 21

You know as well as I do that jumpsuits come few and far between for us however Alloy Apparel has some amazing tall jumpsuits in inseams up to 37".

Take the Jenni Denim Jumpsuit. As you can see it's super long and doesn't give the dreaded camel toe. You can also stand as tall as you want to be because the body of the jumpsuit isn't too short (we can't have bad posture for anybody's ill cut jumpsuit).

I love a good Tall jumpsuit because they are a great, easy way to instantly look polished, are super comfortable and show off our tall, beautiful frames.

I chose to wear the Jenni in a little more of a "skinny jean" type of way but in general I usually order one size up in all Alloy tall Jumpsuits so keep that in mind when ordering.

Happy jumpsuit day! Well, I don't know if it really is but any day that we can find a jumpsuit is a happy one:)