Change Cadet Live

Click the pic for all of the details about Change Cadet Live!

Click the pic for all of the details about Change Cadet Live!

I have been MIA and there is a good reason for that…GROWTH. We will be talking about it. Trust me. Speaking about talking about growth…

My dear friend Dr. Akilah Cadet (below in all of her glory) is remarkable. According to herself, Akilah is a coach, consultant and the Olivia Pope of diversity in the workplace. I would give you a complete download of her amazingness but I want you to visit her site to see for yourself. Go ahead. Click HERE beautiful.

Why am I telling you about this gorgeous force of nature? Because Akilah is launching a podcast that will change lives and I am honored to be the first guest. In true Akilah form, the podcast will be introduced LIVE on July 20th via a chic modern tea party. I am uber excited to dress up but even more pumped to talk about things that we all need to hear. Akilah’s podcast is going to be about sharing stories of change and transformation and let me tell you hunni, I am right smack in the middle of mine. Guess what? You are too.

I seriously can’t wait! Not only am I excited about being the first guest on The Change Cadet Podcast, I am also excited to meet all of you! The first 65 people get something special but personally, I am getting the greatest gift, spending the afternoon with you!

For all of the details, click HERE. Also, make sure to follow Dr. Akilah Cadet @ChangeCadet and The Change Cadet Podcast @changecadetpodcast. See you on the 20th!

Click the pic for all of the details about Change Cadet Live!

Click the pic for all of the details about Change Cadet Live!