wear the heels

Stormy Leather

Spring and leather are 2 words that you don't really hear together too often but they can definitely be a match made in Heaven. I personally believe that leather can be chic in any season and these 38" inseam High Rise Leather Skinnies from Amalli Talli prove that. They set this structured spring look off. I simply love them.

I paired them with a military inspired vest from ASOS Tall and these killer babies from Smash Shoes. I mean the lace-up fierceness is everything. Slay.

Now the foundation is great but the accessories give this look a metallic exclamation point and the lines of both the bracelet and belt compliment each other without being too matchy-matchy.  

I hope you enjoy the look as much as I enjoy wearing it! How do you rock leather is spring weather?

PS. I know this is short and sweet but the Playoffs have this Tall Girl tired hunni. I hope everything makes sense:-)