Print Perfect

Tall Long Sleeved Lace Top - Next/Tile Printed Pant - Long Tall Sally/Icebreaker Captoe Pump - Payless (in size 12 - comes in sizes up to 13)/Cross body clutch - H&M/Earrings - Forever 21

Photo credit: YBowyer Photography

Photo credit: Brian J. Bowyer (YBowyer Photography) - See more at:

Print can be kind of tricky.  Do I wear multiple prints together?  If I do, should they be the same size? Should I even bother?

Yes.  You can rock them and rock them well.

How?  Here are a couple of quick tips...

1) Don't be scared. While they may look loud on the hanger, you will never know until you try them on.  Take those puppies off the rack and see how they look on you.  The worst thing that can happen is that you don't like them.  On to the next.  Now that wasn't so bad.

2) Pair a small print with a large print. This doesn't work every single time but 9 times out of 10 pairing a small print with a large print looks amazing.  They are just different enough to match.  Unless it is a set that is made to go together (which for the record I am not fond of), matching a small print with a large one creates an amazing match.

3) Watch your colors.  I am all about experimenting, but two loud prints, with loud colors might not be the best thing to do.  Finding prints that have colors that compliment one another will create a very happy fit. For example, a neutral print paired with a loud print is a color winner.

4) Frost lightly.  I love jewelry of all shapes and sizes but when it comes to print, let it speak for itself.  Keep the frosting to a minimum.  Side note: I am wearing clip-on earrings in this post.  I love clip-ons for many reasons but the main one is that the piercing of my ears is uneven.  I was 6, it hurt, I kicked the guy that was piercing my ears and voila: uneven holes.  Thus, when it comes to smallish earrings, clip-ons are a winner for me.

5) Don't follow the rules completely. As with any advice I give, follow what you want and do what you want.  You are the master of your style. Rule the way you want to.

Now that you have some style nuggets on print, I want to see how you rock it.  Submit your print looks to Work that print tall Beauties:-)